Wheatland Scout packs care packages as Eagle project

Benjamin Ehr and some of the 108 boxes he filled as care packages for those in the US military. The drive was Benjamin’s Eagle Scout service project.

Boy Scout Benjamin Ehr of Wheatland has been working on his Eagle Scout project. Ben is a Scout in Troop 334 (St Mary’s, Burlington). Ben is the son of Paul and Mary Ehr. He held a number of drives to collect items to send in military care packages. On Saturday, he and some fellow Scouts and friends packed the items into mailing boxes at Wheatland Town Hall. At the end of the day, they packed up 108 US Postal Service Priority Mail boxes. To thank his helpers, he served a local favorite, Luisa’s Pizza. He also received support from PATS Services and Best Bargains.

Benjamin is shipping out the items today, 9/11, also known as Patriot Day, a day of service. Some 98 boxes will be shipped at the New Munster Post Office after school today.

Note: Lusia’s and PATS Services are westofthei.com sponsors.

On Saturday, Lusia’s pizzas arrive as volunteers work to fill over 100 USPS boxes at Wheatland Town Hall in New Munster. /Submitted photo


One Comment

  1. maureen says:

    AWESOME job!!!! you should be proud!!!

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