Here are some more Sheep Show results from the Kenosha County Fair 2012. The Sheep Show was held Wednesday:
- Taylor Mastrich, grand champion market lamb.
- Haley Hansen, reserve grand champion market lamb.
- Josh Christenson, champion pen market lamb.
- Michelle Knapp, reserve champion pen market lamb.
- Travis Ketterhagen, champion cross breed market lamb.
- Michelle Knapp, grand champion ewe.
- Matthew Knapp, champion junior showman.
- Haley Hansen, chmapion natural colored market lamb.
- Lauren Christenson, grand champion ram.
- Lauren Christenson, Mike Reynolds Award.
- Crystal Dowe, Mike Reynolds Award.
- Mason Herolt, champion senior showman and overall showman.
- Mason Herolt, champion shropshire market lamb.
- Josh Herolt, champion hampshire marekt lamb.
- Taylor Mastrich, champion suffolk market lamb.
- Taylor Meredith, champion intermediate showman.
Our photos from the sheep show are available here.
Note: Are there other champion or reserve champion results we missed? Please let us now and we can add it. — DH