A Swing into Spring bingo fundraiser will be held at Wheatland Center School on Friday, May 18 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Bingo will start at 6 p.m.
The money raised will help purchase swings for children with special needs who attend school at Wheatland.
Tickets are $12 and include: 3 Bingo Cards, 1 Raffle Ticket, Food, Fun. The event will take place in the elementary gym.
Additional cards can be purchased for $2 a piece.
The school is located at 6606 388 th Ave. (Highway O), Wheatland.
Donations are welcome. Contact Dusti for pickup arrangements or drop off at the school office. Call or text Dusti at 262-206-6991 or email at: bingoforswings@yahoo.com