Salem urged to negotiate over rescue building

This Google Streetview screenshot shows the rescue building on the left and Town Hall on the right.

A motion from the audience of last week’s Salem annual meeting urged the Town Board to negotiate with the Salem Rescue Squad Association over a possible sale of the squad’s building  just south of Town Hall along Highway 83.

The rescue squad’s operations and equipment were merged into Salem Fire/Rescue. But the rescue squad’s association still owns the building. However, it sits on land owned by the town.

Salem Fire/Rescue Chief David Slover said the building is largely empty and not used for any operations or significant storage.

Possible uses that have been discussed for the building have included indoor athletic facilities.

Town administrator Patrick Casey said the association has an assessment that says the building is worth $35,000.

The motion for the town to negotiate with the rescue squad association was made by Tom Seep and seconded by Slover and passed with an overwhelming show of hands of the electors present.


One Comment

  1. taxpayer says:

    Indoor athletic facilities for who?

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