Visitors from China tour Wheatland Center School

The visitors from China watch Wheatland kindergarten students sort and make patterns with their fruit loop cereal snack.

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Wheatland Center School has seen a number of visitors come through the halls since starting its technology in education initiatives last year.

But likely none have come from as far away to see what is going on at the school than the latest group.

On Monday, the school was visited by a group of educators from China. They were brought to the school by Carthage College, and they also were visiting schools in Kenosha, said Wheatland district administrator Jason Tadlock.

Students at Wheatland that are studying Chinese in the school’s language program greeted the visitors in Chinese and presented them with a gift when they arrived. Here’s some video of that moment:

State Rep. Tyler August also was on hand to greet the visitors.

After the greeting, the visitors took a tour of the school. Here are some more photos:

The Chinese educators observe Wheatland students during their computer based langauge class.

Wheatland district administrator Jason Tadlock speaks to students waiting to greet the school's visitors from China.

The decorations on the walls of Wheatland School, like the 20th century timeline mural, drew a lot of attention.

The visitors from China meet Iggy, the Wheatland pet iguana.

A member of the group from China (right) presents state Rep. Tyler August with a gift.


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