Student perspectives on Wheatland Center School tech

Note: At the time of this post Wheatland Center School is running advertising with — DH

Several significant technological advances in the day-to-day education of students at Whealtand Center School have taken place over the last two school years.

Perhaps the most obvious one is the outfitting students in fourth through eighth grades with netbook style computers — known to the students as their minis. Armed with these computers, students have been busy exploring all kinds of new ways of learning using specialty software, learning foreign languages from the earliest grades and just learning their way responsibly around the internet.

It is difficult these days to catch a glimpse of a class in those grades at the school where the computers are not open and being used at any random moment of the day.

The district’s administrators are happy with what they are seeing, which they say includes increased creativity, better collaboration and revived interest in school work. For example, programs like MindCraft that allow students to create worlds based on academic material, have students immersed to an unprecedented degree, said principal Patti Clements.

“They’re learning how to create and work as a group like nothing I have ever seen,” Clements said. “It appeals to that part of their senses.”

You might expect the administrators responsible for implementing the technology initiatives to see their worth. But what about the students?

We recently asked a group of Wheatland students from various grades about their experiences with the school’s new emphasis on technology. The following video shows some of their responses, from working with MindCraft and Compass Odyssey to what it’s like to have a computer with them all day:


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