A request for village Clerk/Treasurer Terry Faber to attend a conference in Waukesha failed to be approved Wednesday by the Silver Lake Village Board.
The vote on the motion actually ended in a tie 3 to 3, which caused it to not pass. Trustee Chris Willkomm was absent. Voting for approving the conference expense were Trustees Michael Decker, Sue Gerber and Soitiria Wilbur. Voting against were Barbara Ironside, Pat Dunn and Jeff Albrecht.
During discussion of the motion to approve, Faber said the conference would count as continuing education credits for her. However, she added, there is no requirement for those credits, merely a recommendation that they continue to be acquired.
Albrecht was critical of some of the workshops on the conference agenda, such as negotiating cell tower contracts, which he said he felt the village would get little use out of.
The cost was not publicly discussed. However, registration material at the Municipal Treasurers Association of Wisconsin website says the registration fee is $120 for members and $150 for non-members. Lodging would be additional.
Albrecht said the issue could come before the board again since it was not strictly defeated, but merely failed to pass because of a tie.