Wilmot UHS Technology Club seeks donations for Gaming Night

We were asked to share the following message from the Wilmot Union High School Technology Club.

The Wilmot Union High School Technology Club would like to request donations to help with our upcoming event. Our “Gaming Night” will consist of friendly game play for high school aged students on different gaming platforms. Because we are a new club, we are asking for your support to make this night as fun as possible. We mostly need items to be awarded as prizes (gift cards, free products/services, etc.), but also need soda and snacks to stock the “Gamer Fuel Station”. We can promote your business by passing out your promotional giveaways at the door (stickers, magnets, etc.). With a donation, we will also hang any banners or other materials you provide. Your contribution will be very helpful to the success of our event. Your support is greatly appreciated. The event will take place Friday, March 23, 2012 from 6-10 p.m. You are welcome to set up a booth to represent your company, free of charge. Let me know if you would like to have a booth and I can arrange for a 6 foot banquet table. Thank you for your generous consideration. For all inquiries, contact Travis Wetzel, wetzelt@wilmoths.k12.wi.us, 262-862-2351 ext. 242. The WUHS Technology Club is a new club that brings together high school students with a similar interest, technology. These students demonstrate skills using technology in daily life. They share a belief that technology is important and place high value on teaching and helping others. The club’s mission is “to apply ever-changing technology to everyday life.”


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