Weather Advisory: Rain, then snow and wind

The National Weather Service has issued a weather advisory for the area in effect until 3 p.m. today.

Rain that will be turning to snow and then being  blown in 15 to 25 mph winds will make road conditions hazardous. Snow accumulations could be 1 to 2 inches.

Temperatures will also be dropping from a high of 31 to a low of 5 tonight.

Looking ahead, there’s a slight chance of snow Wednesday and a pretty good chance of snow Friday. Temps are forecast to stay cold, with a high of 9 degrees Thursday and a low of 0 that same night.

UPDATE 6:22 a.m. — Light sleet/rain falling in Paddock Lake.

UPDATE 6:42 a.m. — Now switching over to wet snow. What a difference 20 minutes makes.


UPDATE 7:30 a.m. — In last 65 minutes or so, we’ve accumulated about .25 inch of wet, heavy snow already in Paddock Lake.

UPDATE 8:02 a.m. — Those outside for a awhile reporting that precip seems to be slowing fir now. I cleared my driveway, but it doesn’t seem to be filling back in very quickly.

UPDATE 9:24 a.m. — Police agencies responding to several cars in the ditch calls, including highways in the Twin Lakes area and along Highway C.

UPDATE 1:04 p.m. — No snow falling in Paddock Lake.


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