Youngsters get to shop with a cop

You may have noticed a large Sheriff’s Department presence at the Target store in Pleasant Prairie this morning.

No worries. There wasn’t a major crime or safety incident going on. Instead, this morning was the 19th annual Shop With A Cop event sponsored by the Kenosha County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, the deputies union.

Contributions from the association along with those gathered from other sources, many who wish to remain anonymous, allowed the deputies to give a $190 shopping spree to students selected by county schools.

Each young shopper, many with a list in hand, were accompanied around the store by a deputy. After picking out their gifts, they checked out and were even able to have them wrapped.

Santa also visited the shoppers.

Here are some photos from the event (click link below):


One Comment

  1. Gymnast1 says:

    Wow that is so great that u do that for the family its cool seeing all the smileing faces on the kids and the kenosha sherriffs deparments faces light up

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