The Sharing Center finds enough Thanksgiving sponsors

Last week, The Sharing Center was short 77 sponsors for its Thanksgiving basket program.

But thanks to publicity about the deficit that appeared in local media (including that shortfall has been closed. In fact, the center now has five more willing sponsors than it needs, said Susanne Wilczek, the center’s executive director, speaking at a Salem Town Board meeting Monday night.

The center, for years, has given out Thanksgiving dinner baskets to people in need.  Sponsors — indivuduals, families, businesses or groups — sign-up and then are assigned a family to shop for.

If you’re interested in helping out, the program will conduct a similar program for Christmas. Contact the center by phone(262-997-0783), stop in or email ( for more information.


One Comment

  1. Kim Swanson says:

    Thank you Thank you Thank you to all of the sponsors who adopted a family for the Thanksgiving Distribution. Local families will be picking up their Thanksgiving baskets this Saturday! Please know – the families we serve are so appreciative – it goes beyond words the gratitude they feel.

    The generosity and support the Center and its clients receive never ceases to amaze me. Our “needs” list is never empty and the local communities answer the call every time.

    I am humbled to be Board President of such a wonderful organization.

    Kim Swanson

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