Brighton School activities update: Technology plan progressing

/Submitted photo

Here is an update on activities at Brighton School supplied by the school:

Despite significant reductions in state aid, Brighton Elementary School recently implemented several steps in its current technology plan. This investment could not have occurred without the careful financial planning of the Brighton School Board and administration over many years’ time. First, the computer lab at Brighton was upgraded to include 29 computers installed with Windows 7 software. Previous technology investments included installing wireless access throughout the building and purchasing laptop carts containing 10 laptops for each classroom. Second, Smart boards have been installed in stages in multiple grades with the final phase of installation to take place in the 2012-2013 school year. Finally, with the generous support of Brighton’s integral PTO, (Parent Teacher Organization) Brighton will be receiving document cameras to work in concert with the Smart Boards. Document cameras allow for the projection of any printed material; thus expanding the information available to teachers and students to include sources beyond the Internet.


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