Silver Lake trustee criticizes procedure used for suspension of village employee

Silver Lake Trusteee Chris Willkomm questioned the procedure followed by village President Jeff Albrecht in a recent suspension of a village employee.

The name of the employee involved was not disclosed.

Willkomm said he felt he was not sufficiently notified of the action and the cause for the action.

“I don’t believe anyone was ever informed of what was going on …” Willkomm said. “I asked for it … I should have been informed.”

But Albrecht countered that all trustees were informed the same day the suspension was handed down by a letter in their mailbox.

“It complies with everything in there,” Albrecht said referring to village policy on such situations.

Willkomm also questioned why the employee was told not to have any contact with village trustees. He said he saw that as a potential violation of the employee’s First Amendment rights to free speech.

Willkomm made his statements during the citizens comments portion of the meeting speaking as a private citizen.


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