With a little less than a week to go, it’s time to make sure you have the right hours carved out for trick or treating with the youngsters this year.
With Halloween returning to a week day this year there was a lot less debate about trick or treat hours at municipal board meetings. Most municipalities that set hours chose from 4 to 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31 as the official trick or treat hours. This includes Bristol, Salem, Paddock Lake, Twin Lakes, Randall and Silver Lake.
Wheatland was the exception. Official trick or treat hours in Wheatland are from 2 to 5 p.m., Sunday Oct. 30.
Brighton and Paris customarily do not set official hours.
Seriously, do they not realize parents work! What is wrong with the Board. Parents now days definately can’t afford to miss work to take their kids trick or treating and how far is that for kids? Another thing, my kids are just getting off the bus at 4pm and it’s already dark by 6pm. For goodness sake what happen to the Sunday afternoon 3-6 like in Kenosha County East of the I?
I think its GREAT!!!!!!!!! Trick or treating should be on Halloween and only on Halloween,,,,,,,,,look out behind you BOO