Randall increases pier fees

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The Randall Town Board instituted a 66 percent increase in its annual pier rental fees for next year.

The per slip fee was $308.86. After the increase, the per slip fee will be $500 for a Randall property owner.

Out of state residents pay a higher rate ($628), but this year there was only one such renter.  That fee will increase by the same 66 percent.

A couple of people during citizens comments asked the board to defer the action until part-time residents, who make up many of the renters, could weigh-in on the issue.

“It seems unfair to tax people because they have a pier space,” said Maggie Brady, a Knolls neighborhood resident.

The increase was made because the board still had a budget shortfall for 2012 after all possible cuts were made, town Chairman Bob Stoll said.

The pier fees are one of the only opportunities the town has to increase revenue that is under its control, Stoll said.

Also, the town surveyed other slip prices in Western Kenosha County and found charges ranging from $500 to $1,500 a year. The means Randall will still be one of the lowest pier slip charges in the area.

The town has 96 slips on Powers Lake. Three are used for town purposes with the remainder being rented.

Shore rack rates were kept the same — $35.56.


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