Town of Wheatland Fire Department pancake breakfast coverage

The Town of Wheatland Fire Department hosted its annual pancake breakfast Sunday morning.

On the menu was sausage, eggs and of course pancakes. Attendees also could enter silent raffles or a separate raffle for a 32-inch TV. Proceeds from last year’s breakfast helped pay for new nozzles for the department, which were on display Sunday.

Click the link below to see more photos from the event:



  1. paul de luisa says:

    Thank you very much today for your support. We ended up doing pretty well. We also thank you for the coverage in your news…..not paper? Paul De Luisa Captain Co 1 Wheatland Fire.

  2. Cathy says:

    Eating some pancakes is the least we can do as a community to help support our volunteers for all they do for us. Keep up the great work and thank you for risking your lives for us!

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