With concealed carrying of a concealed handgun becoming legal in Wisconsin in about a month, Twin Lakes Village Board members debated whether to allow the carrying of any gun in village-owned buildings.
Sentiment was split among the trustees present. Village resident Howard Skinner was absent.
Village administrator David Cox said staff was recommending banning of concealed or openly displayed guns from village buildings. Such a ban would include visitors as well as employees. The effected buildings would be Village Hall, the public works building and sewer treatment plant. People other than officers are already banned from having a gun of any sort in the Police Station.
As the meeting was a Committee of the Whole, there was no vote on the matter, but there was substantial debate.
Trustees Aaron Karow, Thomas Connolly and Jeremy Knoll all supported the proposed ban.
“There are a lot of weirdos out there,” Connolly said.
Knoll said he doesn’t see any difference in the logic of banning guns in municipal court — already in effect — than in Village Hall or the other village facilities. The village cannot ban carrying a legal gun in public parks.
Karow said he was concerned about someone carrying a gun making people uncomfortable in group situations in Village Hall.
But Trustee Kevin Fitzgerald challenged the proposed ban.
“Is it just a feel good law?” Fitzgerald asked. “If a person is allowed to carry … quite frankly I’m not worried. I’m worried about the pyscho and he won’t care (about the ban).”
Police Chief Dale Racer was asked his opinion, but he said he could see both sides of the debate. He also mentioned that he will have further information about how concealed carry will be permitted and regulated after attending regional training in upcoming weeks.