Silver Lake village Trustee Barbara Ironside’s resignation from the Village Board was on the agenda of Wednesday’s regular board meeting.
But when the item came up, Ironside said she had decided to withdraw her resignation.
“I feel I was elected to finish out my term until April,” Ironside said at the meeting. She added that she had heard from many citizens since she had decided to resign urging her to stay on the board.
Ironside said her resignation had been prompted by health and personal issues, some of which have changed.
“I thank everyone for their support,” she said.
Trustee Chris Willkomm questioned the procedure, arguing that the resignation was effective as soon as it was read by the village president. Village President Jeff Albrecht said the letter was not delivered to him but to village Clerk Terry Faber, as he said law requires.
As Willkomm pressed his point, Ironside asked “Do you want me to resign Chris?”
Willkomm replied “No, I’m just saying what the law says.”