Central boys volleyball loses to Tremper in season opener

Falcons and Trojans at attention during the National Anthem. /David Thoss photo

Tonight the Central Falcons traveled to Kenosha Tremper to start the boys volleyball season.

You would not have known that this was an opener listening to the fans and the raucous cheers from both sides. The Falcons showed signs of a comeback, but the Trojans took energy from their home fans to prevail. The Trojans took the season opener from the Falcons 3-1, by scores of 25-22. 25-22, 23-25, 25-20.

Both teams showed some rust with spotty serving, and other unforced errors, but in the end the defense of the Trojans keyed their conference win.

This was the return of the Falcons to the court from their first ever State appearance where they finished third. The Falcons return a strong lineup of letter winners: Mike Michelau, returning to the court after suffering a severe injury in December; Caleb Mobile, coming back from a serious illness earlier this spring; Sam Picchietti; Brooks Gahart; Jake Stetson; Eric Spangler; Regan Hess; along with newcomers, Brett Larson, Tim Vanderwerff.

The Falcons have an experienced coaching staff led by Wayne Schulz, Dave Mobile, Bobbie Santelli, and Meg Calzaverra, to get them on the track to another winning season.

Rosters were not available, but following are photos from tonights match.

Caleb Mobile behind two Tremper players prepares to score through the block. /David Thoss photo

Kurt Reimer was a strong serving and hitting force for the Trojans. /David Thoss photo

Central's Brooks Gahart looks to set Regan Hess for a kill. /David Thoss photo

Regan Hess and Brooks Gahart block for a point. /David Thoss photo

Mike Michelau soars for a tip against Tremper as Gahart and Brent Larsen look on. /David Thoss photo

Falcons celebrate a point in their victory set. /David Thoss photo

Tremper's team and Coaches show their excitement after upsetting the Falcons. /David Thoss photo


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