The Western Kenosha County Historical Society has an all points bulletin out for you again this year, for the fifth year running.
WKCHS believes that they have something of interest to you or to your family. It may be big or small but it is something that they would like to return to you or someone of your immediate family. Last year, over 30 people visited the WKCHS booth at the Kenosha Country Fair in the building just east of the main Commercial Building and received their family treasures.
“We hope that all of the people listed visit with us this year,” said society President Vi Miller.” “We have protected the items for over 20 years but now it is time to return them to family. Last year we had lots of smiles from those who saw their names and visited.”
The list of names can be viewed here.
A few actually had tears in their eyes when presented with records that brought back memories of long ago. The names belong to people who attended Wilmot High School between 1975 and 1986 and had Dick Heigl as a teacher. Please notice, these items must be given to family members. Some information would be considered private in this day and age. The society does not have the ability to ‘track’ people down. It publishes this list in an effort to allow family, friends and neighbors to contact those listed in turn to contact the society.
The WKCHS booth at the fair also will feature:
- Historic images of Wilmot.
- An ice harvesting display including tools that were used in the work.
- WKCHS will continue to collect names for the nameless students in their historical schoolhouse calendars and hope for your help.
- WKCHS is also on a hunt for photos of students from Paddock Lake School. They are surprised that still, after printing calendars since 1993, they do not have a single image of the school or of kids from that school.
- This year WKCHS is introducing a second calendar, called Where We Live. Each month will feature a different area of Westeren Kenosha County in a collage format.
- “Summer Enchantment” also will be available for purchase. WKCHS published this book in 1994 and it is a reminisce of the Twin Lakes in an era of summer enchantment.
- For the second year, the booth will have on display a HO scale model layout of the Trevor Yards.
I am seeking information (names, locations, etc.) regarding the one room schools that were located in Brighton prior to Brighton District #1 being established in 1962. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Linda Perona
Brighton School Board President