Silver Lake officials are planning to conduct a memorial of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 on this year’s 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on New York and Washington DC.
Village President Jeff Albrecht said at Wednesday’s Village Board meeting that an impromptu candlelight vigil was held at Village Hall 10 years ago on the night of the attacks that destroyed the World Trade Towers in New York, damaged the Pentagon in Washington DC and killed thousands of people in the process. A commercial jet, which terrosits participating in the plot had commandeered and were steering back to Washington for another crash, crashed instead in Pennsylvania after passengers overwhelmed the hijackers.
What this year’s memorial will be like exactly is still in flux, but Albrecht suggested at Wednesday’s Village Board meeting it be in the evening of Sept. 11 and probably outisde.
An audience member pointed out that a Concert in the Park is scheduled for that night, so Village Board members tentatively agreed to hold the ceremony after the concert in Schmalfeldt Park at about 7 p.m.