In reaction to new village Trustee Sotiria Wilber’s concerns, Silver Lake will examine when it cuts off bills for payment before board meetings.
The goal would be to give trustees with questions about some bills time to ask about them before they become part of the consent agenda at a Village Board meeting.
Wilber, at Wednesday’s council meeting, had questions concerning about six bills that she wanted answered before approving them for payment.
Ultimately, the board approved paying all submitted bills, though a $1,500 bill from Lakeside Equipment was contingent on further documentation.
Village President Jeff Albrecht suggested examining establishing an earlier cut-off for bills. That way trustees would have some time to ask questions before checks were run.
“I could ask a thousand questions and have days to do it,” Wilber said.
Currently, bills received right up to the day of a board meeting are included in the bills submitted for approval at the twice-monthly board meetings.