Wilmot High School to host speed camp

Graphic by Kriss Szkurlatowski via stock.xchng

Wilmot High School will be hosting the “Trey Bell Speed Camp” starting Saturday April 23 and for three  consecutive Saturdays afterwards.

Each Saturday will have two sessions. The 8:30-10 a.m. session will be for all 7th-9th grade boys and all girls in grades 7-12.  The second session will be from 10:30-noon and is open to all boys in grades 10-12.

The camp focuses on explosive movement, muscle condition and proper mechanics so that an athlete can build a proper foundation to excel from.

Coach Bell is a former collegiate all-American and professional football player and coaches football and basketball at Wilmot.

More specific information can be found on the registration form at www.wilmothighschool.com .  Space is extremely limited, and is first come first-served.


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