Eight candidates have applied for the three Gateway Technical College Board seats up for appointment, including three who are seeking re-appointment to the board.
Current board members Pamela Zenner-Richards (Racine), Ram Bhatia (Racine) and Neville Simpson (Kenosha) are seeking re-appointment. Frederick Brookhouse (Pleasant Prairie), Erin Decker (Silver Lake), Fred Loomis (Kenosha), John Skalbeck (Pleasant Prairie) and Edward Potter (Mount Pleasant) are candidates, as well.
Appointments begin July 1 and end June 30, 2014.
Peter L. Hansen, chairperson of the Racine County Board of Supervisors and chairperson of the Appointment Committee for the Gateway Technical College District Board, has announced that the appointment committee will meet at 5 p.m. April 20 in Room 100 at Gateway’s Burlington Center, 496 McCanna Parkway, Burlington.
The committee will hold a public hearing on nominations, review and approve the plan for representation, consider the appointment of representatives to the Gateway Technical College District Board and consider other items relating to the appointment process.
Applications were available for:
- One seat designated as Elected Official Member
- Two seats designated as Additional Member
In addition to meeting the job categories above, the selection of the three board members from the field of candidates must also ensure that board county-of-residency requirements are filled. Vacant is one Kenosha County seat and two Racine County seats.