Paul Argiewicz, a Holocaust survivor who lives in Paddock Lake, recently visited Wheatland Center School.
Argiewicz was accompanied by his wife, Cheryl, and Deanne Joseph Ebner, author of the book Number 176520: The Story of Paul Argiewicz—A Teenage Holocaust Survivor. Together, the three of them shared Argiewicz’s personal stories with WCS middle school students, parents, and community members.
At the age of 11, Argiewicz was captured by the Nazi police and taken to concentration and labor camps. He spent over four years as a prisoner in these camps. Middle school students had read Number 176520 prior to Argiewicz’s visit to Wheatland. The students were mesmerized and sat in silence as Argiewicz shared his stories. Many students and parents could not hold back their tears as they heard about the mental and physical pain Argiewicz endured as a child.
Argiewicz concluded with words of encouragement for students as he emphasized the importance of getting a good education and never giving up when things seem difficult. Based on several comments made by students, it is clear that many will not forget Paul Argiewicz.
At the end of the presentation, Ebner said, “This is by the far the best audience of any school we have been to,†and she thanked the students for their insightful questions and their exceptional behavior.