Paris asked to help with cemetery

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The Paris town government has received a request to help with the Paris Lutheran Cemetery.

Representatives of the cemetery have approached the town about helping maintain the cemetery, said town attorney Timothy Driscoll.

The cemetery is located on Highway A, east of 144th Avenue.

Driscoll explained that if the cemetery is ultimately abandoned, the town would likely — under state law — become responsible for it.

To head that off, municipalities often work with cemetery associations on issues such as maintenance to hold off a full takeover by the governmental entity, Driscoll said.

Chairman Virgil Gentz volunteered to contact the cemetery’s representative to gather more information about what is needed.


One Comment

  1. Xfactor says:

    Isn’t it the job of the Lutherans to care for the cemetery? I believe there are still Lutheran churches in the area!!!!! As a matter of fact I had a representative of the Lutheran church calling me earlier this year asking for me to pay to advertise in the Lutheran bulletins. He was bragging about how many Lutheran churches are in the area. Ridiculous.

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