Twin Lakes Village Board hears from neighborhood about streets future

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Twin Lakes Village Board members heard from the neighborhood just to the a south of a proposed Main Street senior apartment/commercial building about the connection of roads in their neighborhood.

At issue Monday was whether the residents wanted Richter Court and Bassett Street (north-south) to continue to connect to the east-west stretch of Bassett Street.

Village President Howard Skinner said plans did call for stoping both of those streets before they reached Bassett because that was the feedback received earlier from some neighborhood residents.

But residents present Monday all favored keeping the streets connected, as they are now.

Less universal was whether residents wanted to see Burden Avenue connect to Bassett. Currently, Bassett ends north of Main. Current village plans call for Burden to someday proceed through Main and connected to Bassett. That would allow traffic on Bassett to get back to Main Street efficiently without being tempted to drive through the neighborhood, village officials contended.

Some neighborhood residents spoke in favor of both alternatives of the Burden to Bassett plan. However, a consensus of the board seemed to favor keeping Bassett and Richter connected and also bringing Burden to meet Bassett in the future.

“I feel we need to have Burden connected to Bassett to have traffic flow,” said Trustee Aaron Karow.

Neighborhood objection to the proposed three-story, 24-unit, 3,000-square foot commercial building also was voiced by several speakers, though Skinner attempted to keep discussion to the road issue.


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