Here is the latest official statement regarding plowing operations in Twin Lakes:
Refuse collection in the Village is delayed one day. Regular Thursday collection will occur on Friday.
Plowing and clearing activities continue today with the intent of further opening roads including those that were cleared to only one lane wide or may have been missed yesterday. Additionally, crews will be pushing snow back from the edge of the road to allow for future plowing activities. Unfortunately, these activities will cause some previously cleared driveways to once again have snow at the ends. This is unavoidable and the continued patience of the community is appreciated.
After the Tuesday snow event, plowing and clearing activities in response to the overnight blizzard resumed at 5 a.m. on Wednesday with two large plows and two loader tractors. At 3:30 pm, another two plows were added to assist in the clean up. Crews were on the street until 1 a.m. Thursday. Plowing activity resumed early today and will continue through the day. Final clean up of this snow event will not occur for a number of days.â€