Workshop designed for farmers market managers

A customer picks out some asparagus at last year's Bristol Farmer's Market.

A workshop specifically designed for managers of farmers’ markets is scheduled for Jan. 27-28 and is open to Kenosha County residents.

The workshop will include information on topics such as “Keeping Customers Safe: Food Safety and the Market”, “Farmers’ Market Liability and Legal Issues” as well as a discussion on using EBT machine at the market.

The primary focus of the workshop, however, is the development of a statewide farmers’ market manager association. Market managers are encouraged to come and provide their input on how a statewide association could serve farmers’ market managers in Wisconsin.

The workshop will take place at the Oconomowoc Lake Club in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. The program begins at 9am on Thursday, January 27th and ends at 3:30pm on Friday January 28th. Costs for the program are $15 per person (a USDA Farmers’ Market Promotional Program grant is also being used to cover the costs for the program). To request a brochure or for more information contact Kristin Krokowski, Waukesha County UW Extension, at 548-7768 or

This workshop is organized and sponsored by UW Cooperative Extension. UW-Cooperative Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming including Title IX and ADA. To ensure equal access, please make requests for reasonable accommodations to any of the above-mentioned persons.


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