Wisconsin Bookworms help children discover reading

South East District WAHCE Wisconsin Bookwormsâ„¢ Chancellor Award County Representatives: from left, Jean Geszvain- Waukesha County, Nancy Milbauer- Ozaukee County, DuAnn Webb- Walworth County, Ginny Ramstack - Washington County, Pat Perks- Kenosha County, and Marianne Zastrow- Dodge County.

The Wisconsin Bookwormsâ„¢ program has been helping children discover good books and the benefits of reading for nearly 13 years, providing more than 500,000 free books to pre-schoolers who otherwise might not have the chance to own books.

Kenosha County is a member of this unique partnership between the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education (WAHCE), University of Wisconsin-Extension Family Living Programs and Wisconsin Public Television.

The Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education was honored by the UW-Extension/UW Colleges with a Chancellors Friend and Advocate Award for its work with the UW-Extension and Wisconsin Public Television to bring early literacy to preschoolers through the Wisconsin Bookwormsâ„¢ program.

Kenosha County shared in that award through a recent ceremony and replica of the award plaque presented to Pat Perks, Kenosha County HCE President, by Cooperative Extension dean and director Richard M. Klemme.

Wisconsin Bookworms in Kenosha County serves about 90 children. Ten volunteer readers dedicate time from their schedules to share their love of reading to Kenosha County’s children. In addition, Kenosha County’s WAHCE organization raises funds to purchase the book sets each child receives.

Parents whose children participate in Wisconsin Bookwormsâ„¢ report that they talk more often with their children about books, spend time reading together and visit the public library.


One Comment

  1. Tom Reilly says:

    Congratulations to Pat Parks and her wonderful organization. Any one taking the time to help kids read, is a real hero in my book.

    Tom Reilly

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