Twin Lakes is likely to eliminate its village permit for driving snowmobiles in village roads to access snowmobile trails since it conflicts with state regulations.
Village administrator David Cox said the conflict was discovered in recent discussions with the DNR.
The village had required a one-time $5 permit for riding from home or lodging to trails.
“That was the piece they didn’t like …,” Cox said. “Basically they felt the village was imposing a registration requirement for snowmobiles, which they reserve for themselves solely.”
Village President Howard Skinner said: “The DNR thought we were getting rich.”
To remedy the situation, the village is expected to amend its ordinances to eliminate the permit. Then residents will be able to ride snowmobiles from residences or lodging to trails via the shortest possible route without having to get the village permit.
Cox pointed out snowmobile travel to and from trails only will be allowed. Snowmobiles will still not be allowed to travel from point to point in the village.
The move was discussed at Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting and will be on the agenda for action Dec. 20.
Cox had some advice for those who may already have one of the village permits.
“Put it on the wall; it’s you piece of nostalgia …” Cox said.