Oakvue Farm to host living nativity this Fri., Sat.

Photo by Xixkya Valladares via stock.xchng

A local holiday tradition will continue again this year as Oakvue Farm in Bristol hosts its annual living nativity this Friday and Saturday evening.

There are two shows each night. They start at 6:30 and 7:45 p.m.

The nativity started out as a project of the Gillmore family and a few friends and neighbors, said Ed Gillmore. But as the years have gone on, people have experienced the nativity and have wanted to help out as well.

Besides the people portraying the various characters in the story, live animals are used. There also is a choir that accompanies the play with music and song.

Spectators see the scene inside a barn, so the performance goes on regardless of weather.

“It might be snowing or cold outside, but you’ll be comfortable inside,” Gillmore said.

There is no admission charge, but donations are accepted.

The farm is located at 14700 104th St. (Highway Q) about 1.5 miles west of the Interstate 94.

Here’s some video from last year:


One Comment

  1. Esther King says:

    I Love it!! I saw Eddie and Denise at walmart today and I didn’t realize this was still going on so, I hope to make it next it year with my kids and grandkids. This farm is one of my most favorite child hood memories Iused to play in the barn and run with the big german shepard dog. Can’t remember his name but, he would jump on the pump house roof (I think that is what it was but, it was a big jump). My Mom and Dad had lived in the old house which burnt and I believe that it was moved from across the street to the now Oakvue farm.
    Esther Bybee (King)

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