Library Board president intends to file ethics complaint against Randall supervisor

Community Library Board President Ken Mangold said he intends to file an ethics complaint against Randall Supervisor Rose Nolan for lying to a state investigator.

Mangold, who lives in Randall, announced his intention during citizens comments at a Randall Town Board meeting Thursday night.

One hitch, however, is that though the town has an Ethics Committee, there is no established formal method for filing a complaint.

Mangold alleges Nolan misrepresented the ages of Library Board members as in their 30s when testifying to a state investigator looking into allegations of age and gender discrimination made by former director Mary Ellen Close. Nolan testified Mangold wanted Close demoted or fired to get younger people aligned with him into board positions.

The board is in fact dominated by people over 40 and several in their 60s, the document dismissing the discrimination charges says.

“This is a serious situation that could have cost the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars,” Mangold said.

Nolan once also was a Library Board member and has held a contract for cleaning services with the library. She declined to comment on Mangold’s charges after Thursday night’s meting.

Town Attorney Robert Heinkel said he would investigate the procedure for filing an ethics complaint and report back to Mangold.



  1. George Bailitz says:

    It amuses and concerns me that past political grudges cannot be laid to rest. This particular situation is, in my opinion, a perfect example of that fact. I don’t know who, if anyone, is right or wrong here. All I can say based on what I have seen is “here we go again”. As far as I am concerned from my “somewhat” of an insiders view is that there is absolutely nothing to be accomplished by these actions. Nothing except time wasted. In my opinion Ken Mangold has done a commendable job from beginning to end on matters concerning the library. He was and is an integral part of cleaning things up. Although Ms. Nolan and myself have been allies on some things and on opposite sides on others, I’m sure that she is well intended although at times misunderstood. If all past and present Town Board members agreed on everything all of the time, it would not be in the best interest of the Town. We’ve seen that scenario in the past. I only hope that this upcoming spring election does not become a back-biting circus as it has in previous years. I think that all voters should pay attention to who throws the first shovelfull. That will be a good example of their character.
    George Bailitz, Randall

  2. George Bailitz says:

    After reading my Nov. 13 comment regarding this matter I can see where my remarks regarding the upcoming election could be interpreted to mean that Mr. Mangold could bring this issue into that election. I would like to say that was not my intention, and I extend my regrets to him for not realizing how my statement would read. To my knowledge Mr. Mangold is not running for anything in the spring election. After “sitting up front” with him, I have come to realize that Ken Mangold works hard, and with a passion when he believes in something. The point I was trying to make was that others who have been opponents of Ms. Nolan in the past would be pouncing on this like a cat on catnip. After reading the article regarding this matter in the Nov. 20 issue of the Twin Lakes Report I see that has already begun. Thank You Sir, for helping me make my point!
    George Bailitz, Randall

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