Three Salem meetings tonight

If you just can’t get your fill of municipal proceedings and you’re interested in Salem you are way in luck.

Salem has a triple header of meetings tonight:

  1. At 7 p.m. there will be a budget hearing. The proposed tax levy stands at $4,071,941, a 19 percent increase from last year. The reason? a 90 percent increase in debt service.
  2. After the budget hearing there will be a special meeting of the electors. Agenda items include the tax levy, a residency requirement for the town administrator and elimination of the Parks Commission in favor of a Parks Department.
  3. After the electors meeting there will be a special Town Board meeting where adoption of the 2011 budget will be considered.

Long night? Could be. We’ll be there.

UPDATE 7:36 p.m. — Supervisor Dennis Faber Chairman Linda Valentine have both pointed out at the meeting that the levy with the 19 percent increase is a preliminary version, needed for publishing s legal notice. Since then, the budget has been adjusted to a 0 percent levy increase.


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