Paris Town Board approves outdoor dining area for Mars Cheese Castle

The new Mars Cheese Castle is under construction.

An outdoor dining area at the new Mars Cheese Castle won approval of the Paris Town Board Tuesday night.

The business, located at Highway 142 and Interstate 94, needs a conditional use permit to establish the area, planned for the north end of the building. The board vote on the permit was unanimous, with Chairman Virgil Gentz absent.

The 30-foot-by-40-foot area will take the place of six parking spots in the original plan. However, the property still will have more parking than required, explained Plan Commission Chairman John Holloway.

A representative of the business at the meeting said the area will have 13 tables and be screened with shrubs and a wrought iron fence.

The town Plan Commission had previously recommended approval of the conditional use permit request, Holloway said.

Mars Cheese Castle is being reconstructed just west of the current location because of improvements being made to the interchange of I-94 and Highway 142.


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