A car ended up in the Fox River in Wheatland last night. Both occupants of the vehicle were able to get themselves out, though one may have sustained an arm injury.
The car was completely submerged at one point, according to someone at the scene. The car ended up in about the 7600 block of Highway W.
Divers from the Randall Fire Department hooked up the car, which was then pulled up the steep bank by a town truck from Wilmot Auto Service.
Wheatland Fire Department and Silver Lake Rescue also responded to the scene.
I am so happy to hear that the couple were okay.
I was there that night and called 911 to get them help!
~ Judy
Thank You Judy for being there that night! You were one of many guardian angels. I don’t know what we would have done if you weren’t there.
There are no words adequate to express my gratitude in helping my daugter and son-in-law. They are both precious beyond expression to me and to our family. Your unexampled kindness will never be forgotten. You will remain in our hearts and our prayers and I hope some day to have the privilige of meeting you.
May God richly bless you,
Mary Owens