Salem Town Board airs views on proceeding with incorporation investigation

The Salem Town Board members, at their regular meeting Monday night, discussed their views on proceeding with investigating incorporation in the wake of the Sept. 14 referendum that rejected further action 572  to 469.

No board member proposed further action in light of the vote result. However, all did share some of their personal outlook on the issue:

The people have voiced their opinion. That would be the way I would feel.” — Supervisor Joe Meier.

I would definitely want to go the way of the majority … They don’t want us to proceed with it.” — Supervisor Dennis Faber.

Yes it was close … I think we should research it in the future, but now is not the time.” — Supervisor Diann Tesar.

I am just astounded that people didn’t want to learn, that they didn’t want to find out, that they just wanted to stick their head in the sand …” — Chairman Linda Valentine.


One Comment

  1. Dr. Brad Smith says:

    Thank you Salem Town Board for respecting the wishes of the people.

    Dr. Brad Smith

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