KASA sign-up for iceless hockey and basketball seasons is today

A registration event for KASA iceless hockey and Saturday basketball will be held at Salem School, from 4 to 7 p.m. today.

Registration for both leagues can also be done through the mail. Forms are available at www.kasasoccer.net.

Photo by Miguel Ugalde via stock.xchng

Game dates for iceless (floor) hockey will be Saturdays, Nov. 13 through Jan. 29 (with holiday weekends off). The registration fee is $65 and includes a team t-shirt, stick, puck and award ay the end of the season. Safety goggles are required and can be provided by the league for an additional $10. Registration after Oct. 8 is $5 more.

Game dates for iceless (floor) hockey will be Saturdays, Nov. 13 through Jan. 29 (with holiday weekends off). Registration fee is $50 and includes team t-shirt and award for each player. Registration after Oct. 8 is $5 more.


One Comment

  1. Dee Andershock says:

    Hi. I just found out about your iceless hockey today (Jan. 29, 2011). I would have signed my daughter up for it if I knew before this. So, is there a mailing list I can get on so that I don’t miss it next year?

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