View Silver Lake street lights to go out? in a larger map
The above map shows the approximate street light locations under consideration for shut off with blue markers. The red marker is the light approved for turn off in September.
The Silver Lake Village Board deferred taking action on turning off more street lights in the village to save energy costs.
A public hearing on the issue, however, was held before the Village Board meeting. No member of the public spoke at the hearing, village officials said. One audience member at the Village Board meeting said she wanted to attend the hearing, but was under the impression it started at 7 p.m. However, the meeting was properly noticed as starting at 6:30 p.m. at various places in the village, at Vilage Hall and on the village website.
The board agreed Sept. 1 to shut off a light at Riverside Drive and Wisconsin. The board has identified a number of other lights it feels might be candidates for turning off.
The village expects to overrun its budget for streetlights by about $4,400 this year.
Village President Roger Johnson asked to defer action on the item tonight until feedback can be gathered from police Chief Dan Kingsley, who was not present at the meeting.