Great Lakes Dragaway owner Randy Henning (standing at right) and his attorney Nicholas Infusino (standing center) talk with residents after Tuesday's Paris Town Board meeting.
Though they — and several members of the public — generally dislike what they see in the proposed nuisance control agreement with the Great Lakes Dragaway, the Paris Town Board Tuesday deferred action on the document to have one more meeting to hash out a better document.
The agreement was proposed by the dragaway last month after many months of negotiation with the town. It set out what the drap strip felt it could live with to limit aspects some residents have complained about, such as excessive noise, light and late hours. (The agreement is viewable here.)
Town Chairman Virgil Gentz proposed the additional meeting as a last chance to work something out. The town has been pursuing an agreement with the dragstrip rather than enacting a noise ordinance.
Representatives of the dragaway at the meeting said they were willing to meet again.
Earlier in the meeting, dissatisfaction with the agreement as it now stands was expressed by board members and residents. Here’s a sample of some of the comments.
Resident Klaus Dierks:
It’s very disappointing to see Randy Henning is not willing to work with the town. … I see it as no improvement.”
Resident Beth Frederick:
I’m at a loss to see where the concessions are.”
Resident Aaron Frederick:
I don’t think there’s much there … I think it was a waste of time.”
Dragaway attorney Nicholas Infusino:
My client’s not happy with what’s written … We’re trying to find a middle ground.”
Supervisor Ron Kammerzelt:
I still think we need to sit down and talk … If this is your final and best offer, then we need to move to a noise ordinance and we’re done … There’s been movement; I think we can go a little further.”
Supervisor Ken Monson:
I don’t think you’re budging at all with this … I don’t think you’re trying to solve anything. I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but you’re not moving in the right direction … If this is your best offer, let’s cut the crap and get on with the ordinance.”
Ultimately all board members ended up voting for tabling the matter for further consideration. More discussion and a decision could come at the October meeting, though Gentz said he will not be there. He suggested that meeting with the dragstrip take place in early November with a Town Board decision after that.
After the meeting, Infusino and track owner Randy Henning approached some of the residents who spoke out against adopting the agreement to discuss their issues and possible compromises.
The Board and their lawyer have let this drag on for over a year and a half. How much time can be wasted and expect the Dragstrip to give and give(time and lawyer fees). Sure they can give some more. But the problem is with 4-5 residents. And the jobs and income from the dragstrip far outweight the poor decisions by the residents to move next to it!
Chairman gentz said in June “this must be done by next month!” See you at the end of October.
Since when do the complaints of a handful of residents require a business that has operated for 55 plus years do anything? The only legitimate reason a resident should have for complaining is a safety issue. Light and sound nuisances are in the eyes (and ears) of the beholder.
Ordinances are crap and they are like taxes – they get implemented and they end up getting worse and worse. This is the kind of thing that is ruining this country.