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The above map shows the area of Highway 45 between Highway AH (south) and Highway 50.
The state Department of Transportation will publicly reveal its plans at a meeting next Tuesday for a major overhaul of the Highway 45 corridor from Highway 50 south through Bristol to the state line.
But some Bristol officials appeared at Monday night’s Village Board meeting to already be bracing for a long night with a lot of questions about the project’s impact on the appearance, safety and business viability of the village’s core.
A DOT press release says:
The purpose of this project is to improve the condition of the roadway, improve turning movement capacity at intersections, widen intersections to accommodate bicycles, and improve sight distance and safety throughout the corridor. Construction is tentatively scheduled in 2012.
But some Bristol officials Monday expressed grave concerns about the proposal, especially between Highways AH and 50.
“This is not just resurfacing 45,” said Trustee Carolyn Owens. “We’re talking about a big change. This is going to have major ramifications.”
After the meeting, village President Rich Gossling expressed concern about his understanding that trees would be cut down, that some properties’ front yards would be drastically shortened and that some businesses might lose access drives.
The DOT’s public information meeting is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 5, at the Bristol Municipal Building, 19801 83rd St., Bristol.