Wilmot HS to host program on government careers

Wilmot Union High School is hosting a career panel on Oct. 15, starting at 9:15 a.m. that will focus exclusively on the government/public administration cluster of careers.

Panel participants include:

  • State Rep. Samantha Kerkman.
  • State Sen. Bob Wirch.
  • Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Chad Kerkman.
  • County Supervisor Kimberly Bruenig.
  • Kneosha city administrator Frank Pacetti.
  • Sandra Brietzman, Wiscosnin Department of Workforce Development.
  • Sgt. Scott Cook, representing the U.S. Military.

The panel is scheduled for 45 minutes beginning at 9:15 a.m., in the school’s auditorium. The program will involve each presenter giving a brief overview (5-10 minutes) of their career area or their personal career pathway.

The program is designed for students, but is open to interested members of the public.


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