Ag chemicals clean-up program registration under way

The Kenosha and Racine counties UW-Extension and Walworth County Public Works are hosting a joint Agricultural Clean Sweep program to collect and properly dispose of unwanted, unusable or banned ag-related chemicals and products.

Program services are provided free to any Kenosha, Racine or Walworth County farmer or farmland owner who has agricultural chemical waste. This program is not offered every year, so it is important to participate if you have items to dispose of.

Dates and locations for the program are:

  • Thursday, Oct. 7: Racine County Fairgrounds/Old Settlers Park in Union Grove, 9 a.m. to noon.
  • Friday, Oct. 8: Walworth County Public Works Department Complex, W4097 County Road NN, 9 a.m. to noon.

Pre-registration is mandatory for this program. For questions or to request a brochure, please contact Rose Skora, Kenosha & Racine Counties UW-Extension at 262-857-1945 or 262-886-8460 or by e-mail at The brochure is also available at:


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