Paris School meets new mascot

Paris School students, staff and a smattering of parents got to meet a new member of their school family at today’s Panther Prowl kick-off assembly.

Parry the Panther, the school’s new mascot, made his first ever  appearance at the school to loud cheers from the crowd.

Here is some video of the big moment (besides seeing Parry, you must stick with the video long enough to get a good look at district administrator Roger Gahart’s school colors overalls):

The Panther Prowl is an annual fundraiser for the Paris School Organization, used to buy supplementary materials for the school. For example, a past prowl paid for new shelving in the library. Last year’s event raised about $14,800.

Perry was introduced by Lisa Ashmus, a School Board member who also is the prowl’s organizer.

Click here for more information about Panther Prowl, including how you can contribute.


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