Silver Lake may turn off 11 street lights

View Silver Lake street lights to go out? in a larger map
The above map shows the approximate street light locations under consideration for shut off with blue markers. The red marker is the light approved for turn off Wednesday.

The Silver Lake Village Board voted Wednesday to turn off one street light and is considering doing the same for 11 others.

The shut offs are being considered because without action the village estimates it will be about $4,400 over its street light utility budget this year, Trustee Chris Willkomm said. The village’s 2010 budget for street light power is $25,000.

The board agreed Wednesday to shut off a light on South Riverside Drive near a spur of Wisconsin Avenue.

Willkomm and public works supervisor Bob Williams scouted out additional street lights that could be candidates for being turned off. Keeping lights located at intersections  and one mid street on, the pair identified 11 other street lights that could be turned off.

“I’m not at all for turning out the lights, but what are you going to do,” Willkomm said.

Approximate addresses for the lights proposed to be turned off are:

  • 871 North Cogswell Drive.
  • South Riverside Drive at the cul-de-sac.
  • 915 Glenwood Drive.
  • 727 Lakeview Drive.
  • 910 E. Oak Street.
  • 1144 Prairie Drive.
  • 441 Edgewood Drive.
  • 428 W. Riverside Drive.
  • 773 Glenwood Drive.
  • 847 Lakeview Drive.
  • 1095 Meadow Drive.

The board did not make a final decision on any of the other lights on Willkomm’s list so trustees could investigate the situation themselves. The board will also need to make legal public notice of the proposal and hold a public hearting before acting. That hearing could be Sept. 15 or Oct. 1, just before regular meetings on those dates.


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