A Shrink-a-thon event in the spring raised $1,000 for The Sharing Center. Pictured are (from left): Karen Rassmussen, Sharing Center Board member; Debra Scully, co-sponsor of Shrink-a-thon; Patrick Watson, the "Biggest Loser" in the event; and Nancy Dulek, co-sponsor of Shrink-a-thon.
A Shrink-A-Thon weight loss event involving local residents will raise money for The Sharing Center.
A Shrink-A-Thon operates much like a “walk-a-thon” only instead of walking” participants shed excess pounds. Picture children trying to raise money for their schools as they ask neighbors to pledge money for every lap they walk. Now, instead of children, think of adults working in teams to lose weight while supporting a variety of non-profit charities.
Local Shrink-A-Thon organizer Nancy Dulek says, “Our goal is to help local residents collectively lose pounds for long tern permanent weight loss and help local non -profit charities.” The Shrink-A-Thon combines these two needs, and thus creates a win-win situation (or, as we call it, a”lose”-win). As we work together to lose weight, get healthier and raise money for charity. Everyone benefits.
Each weight loss team will meet for 12 weeks. They will receive training from professional weight loss coaches on what they call the “four legs of success” that contribute to long term permanent weight loss.
Using a weight loss curriculum modeled after several clinical trials done under the guideline of the FDA, participants can expect to shrink their waistlines and have more energy. Also, as we experienced in the clinical trials, they are expected to see blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure improve.
Bob Mihalyov, Shrink-A-Thon co-founder, says “It would be enough if this was just about raising money for charity, but the accompanying health benefits are amazing. Nearly 50 percent of our population has Diabetes, pre-diabetes, or Metabolic Syndrome and don’t even know it. Weight loss is the best way to counteract these conditions, and the average participant in our program loses 10 percent of their body weight in 12 weeks.
To get involved as a sponsor, team captain, or weight loss participant, call 262-206-1059.