Reconstruction of this section of Main Street in Twin Lakes was targeted this week by two US senators for criticism as unwise stimulus spending. This photo was taken in June before the work began.
The Main Street rehabilitation project that has downtown Twin Lakes torn up this summer has attracted the attention of two Republican U.S. senators who are cataloging stimulus projects they consider counterproductive.
The report, entitled Summertime Blues, was released this week by Sen. Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma and Sen. John McCain of Arizona.
The report criticizes the Twin Lakes project for hurting downtown businesses during their busiest time of the year. It includes quotes from some unhappy downtown business owners.
Twin Lakes downtown project is one of 100 projects included in the report.
Bad stimulus spending or a smart opportunity to get a project funded with federal dollars? What do you think? Leave your opinion in comments.
When I tried to open the above link to this report, a pop-up window states, “file is damaged and could not be repaired.” This is the link to the HTML version… http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eoRi3SnH6BgJ:coburn.senate.gov/public//index.cfm%3Fa%3DFiles.Serve%26File_id%3Da7e82141-1a9e-4eec-b160-6a8e62427efb+Summertime+Blues:+100+Stimulus+Projects&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us.