Town of Bristol voters say yes to joining village

Soon there will only be one Bristol again.

The town’s voters approved a referendum Tuesday that asked if town of Bristol voters wanted to rejoin the village of Bristol as one municipality. The vote was 402 yes to 35 no.

The Village Board will complete the formality at a special meeting Wednesday by passing an ordinance accepting the referendum results. At that point, the town will be dissolved as a municipality.

The effort stated at least six years ago, and stepped up over the last three years. Groundwork included contracting for police protection, and formulating boundary agreements with municipal neighbors.

“We knew it would take many steps and be very complicated before we started,” Town Chairman Colleen Fisch. “But we were very confident we could get it done if we wanted to.”

Village President Rich Gossling said “It was a team effort. That’s what it takes.”

As for the overwhelming positive response, Gossling said “It’s very satisfying. The numbers were outstanding.”

Though there were a couple of routes the municipalities could have gone to reunite, the referendum method was universally lauded by officials as the most democratic.

“It was so important that we let the people tell us what they wanted,” said village Trustee Carolyn Owens.

The town and village board members who gathered at Holy Cross Church, where the voting took place, to await the results appeared confident but anxious to hear the numbers.

“Seems like a lot of work to get me out of office,” joked Fisch.


One Comment

  1. Margaret says:

    Thanks for publishing results SO QUICKLY. This is GREAT long awaited news. Your site is the only place publishing the results. Thanks so much. Great job, well done. A Bristol Resident.

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