Welcome to our new golf tips feature, sponsored by Twin Lakes Country Club.
This week’s tip is offered by Chad Cantwell, pro at Twin Lakes Country Club, two-time Kenosha County Open champion and holder of the all-time low scoring average record at University of Wisconsin-Parkside:
Helpful tips on chipping it close
Right-Handed Terminology
- Ball Position – Center of stance.
- Hand Position – Target side of the ball.
- 80% of body weight favors left leg.
- Keep club low to ground going back and low after impact (Don’t help the ball up).
- Keep left wrist firm.
- Lower body remains very still during swing.
- Grip down on the club for greater control.
- Visualize the shot and let the conditions (terrain and lie) determine the club to be used.
Twin Lakes Country Club is located at 1230 Legion Drive, Twin Lakes, (262) 877-2500.
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