Job’s Daughters Bethel 79 installs new officers

Allyssa Ingram

Job’s Daughters Bethel 79 installed new officers during an open ceremony at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 12, at Washburn Masonic Temple, 8102 199th Ave., Bristol.

Allyssa Ingram, daughter of Ed and Barb Ingram of Paddock Lake, was installed as Honored Queen and will lead the Bethel for the next six months.

Also installed were Sarah Ludeman, senior princess; Bridget Geibel, junior princess; Amber Walentowski, guide; Ashley Dabbs, marshal; Alleya Ingram, chaplain; Jackie Pietluck, librarian, and Megan Walentowski, 1st messenger.

Job’s Daughters is a premier organization for young women ages 10 to 20. Members learn important skills that benefit them now, as well as in the future, such as leadership, organization, teamwork and self-reliance in a fun, educational and uplifting environment.

The lessons of Job’s Daughters are taught around the framework of respect for parents and home, loyalty to flag and country and reverence for God.

For more information on Job’s Daughters, visit the Web site:

For information on how to join Job’s Daughters, contact Bethel Guardian Heather Gascoigne at


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